Title A Study on the Priority of Dwellers for the Goal of Residential Environment Improvement in the Deteriorated Residential Area
Authors Chung. Kum-Ho ; Choi. Woo-Ram
Page pp.83-90
ISSN 12269093
Keywords Priority ; AHP ; Goal ; Deteriorated Residential Area
Abstract The purpose of this study is to examine the priority order in determining the goal of the residential environment improvement plan, in Shin-an district, Gwangju. To decide the order, "Analytic Hierarchy Process", one of the analytic methods, is used. In systematically analysing the problems, it could enable us to itemize the intricate problems in setting up the goals and to know the priority between elements. The results of this study can be summarized as the followings; Firstly, in the subject area, the priority order of residential environment improvement are listed below : Security from fire, Intimacy in neighborhood, Preventing inundation, Disaster prevention, Heating, Public institution, Public garden. Secondly, for housing environment improvement, senses of the residents in the subject area are divided below : Construction, Building equipment, Social infrastructure, Public facilities, Social and economic characteristics, Psychologic characteristics. Lastly, the order between them are list below : Public facilities, Psychologic Characteristics, Social and economic characteristics, Building equipment, Construction, Social infrastructure.