Title On the Study of the Space-Search Methods of the Design Problem Solving in the Architectural Design Process
Authors Kim. Yong-Il
Page pp.91-97
ISSN 12269093
Keywords architectural design process ; global-search-methods ; local-search-methods
Abstract Understanding how designers search for design problem solving is a great challenge for researches in the design field. Throughout the design literature, the space-search methods has been ascribed a key role in the architectural design. To our knowledge, however, the space-search methods of design problem solving has rarely been considered in the study of the design process. And the paper aims to examine the phenomena of space-search methods in the architectural design process. The categories of the space-search methods of design problem solving are examined into the 9 types, which related to the architectural design process. The results of this study are reviewed the protocol analysis of design process in a laboratory experiment of residential design.