Title On-line Public Participation and Collaborative Planning System
Authors Moon. Tae-Heon
Page pp.153-160
ISSN 12269093
Keywords On-line planning ; Public Participation ; Collaborative planning ; Visualization
Abstract There has been increasing emphasis on public participation and collaborative planning over past decades. Several practices on urban contexts highlighted planning paradigm shift from "planning for the people" to "planning with the people". Moreover recent revolutionary development on inter- net and telecommunication technology enabled us to make new participation on-line tools. This paper is about the development of the web-based "Public Participation and Collaborative Planning System (PPCPS)" applied to the railroad removal project in Jinju City. PPCPS consists of 3 phases. The first phase provides information visualized with GIS, photos, video clips, and 2D or 3D. Next is the collection of local information from users. The last stage is the assessment of the alternatives. PPCPS integrates useful tools and expedites public participation through the interaction between users and planners systematically. As conclusions, the influence of our system appears to be positive, though additional comprehensive evaluation is waiting to conclude. This system will contribute to empowerment and democratic decision-making within the community.