Title Measurement Study on Indoor Organic Compounds Air Pollution in Winter
Authors Chun. Chung-Yoon ; Park. Jun-Seok ; Sohn. Jang-Yeul ; Kouichi Ikeda
Page pp.171-177
ISSN 12269093
Keywords Indoor air quality(IAQ) ; Formaldehyde ; Volatile organic compounds(VOCs) ; Measurement
Abstract Measurements on indoor organic compounds air pollution level in 96 houses were conducted. Surveyed houses were collected based on the survey results about house type and constructed year in Seoul city. Indoor air organic compounds were monitored with two diffusive samplers.??One was a cartridge treated with 2,4-dinitrophenylhydrazine for aldehydes sampling. The other was a passive charcoal tube for VOCs sampling. The main Results were as follows. 1) Formaldehyde were detected in more than 90% of all homes, and averaged detected level was 54.92ppb. This value is lower than ASHRAE guideline (100ppb) and WHO guideline (80ppb). 2) Toluene were detected in all homes, and EthylAcetate, 1-Butanol, ethylbenzene, p-Xylene, D- limonen were detected more than 50% of all homes. 24 hours averaged level of sum of VOCs was 179.96㎍/㎥, and this value is lower than WHO‘s TVOC (Total Volatile Organic Compounds) guideline (300㎍/㎥). 3) Mostly frequent detective level of formaldehyde was between 50-60㎍/㎥, and 84.09% of all homes showed lower level than WHO guideline. 4) Mostly frequent detective level of sum of VOCs was between 100-150㎍/㎥, and 86.46% of all homes showed lower level than WHO's TVOC g