Title Comparative Evaluation of Indoor Environment of Office Buildings with An Underfloor Air Distribution System and A Ceiling Based Air Conditioning System
Authors Yu. Ki-Hyung ; Cho. Dong-Woo ; Yu. Ji-Yong ; Lee. Jin-Young ; Lee. Sang-Youp
Page pp.185-192
ISSN 12269093
Keywords Underfloor Air Distribution System ; Indoor Environment
Abstract The purpose of this study was to evaluate the indoor environment of office building with??underfloor air distribution system and ceiling based air conditioning system. The underfloor air distribution system was introduced to use access floor and aim to economical motive such as reducing floor to height level. Researches were not sufficient to preserve the characteristics between ceiling based air conditioning system and underfloor air distribution system. Experiments have been carried out to indoor environment in the summer and winter. As the result, thermal environment of the underfloor air distribution system is better than ceiling based air conditioning system in the winter. Ventilation effectiveness of the underfloor air distribution system is bigger than ceiling based air conditioning system.