Title Effect of Environmental Characteristics of Children's Rooms on Their Self-Esteem
Authors Lee Yeun-Sook ; Hwang Yeon-Sook ; Chang Yun-Jung
Page pp.103-110
ISSN 12269093
Keywords Physical environment ; Self-esteem ; Children's room ; Convenience ; Order ; Safety
Abstract This study investigated the physical environmental characteristics of elementary school children's rooms, and assessed the extent to which environmental characteristics influence the children's self- esteem. Survey questionnaires were given to 221 elementary school children in the lower grades, and frequency analysis, t-tests, analysis of variance(ANOVA), Duncan's MRT tests, and multi regression analysis were mainly employed for data analysis. The findings of the study indicated that the most negatively ranked characteristics of children's rooms were territoriality, ability to express, and creativity. The respondents' evaluation of the rooms differed by children's grade, housing type, housing size, and children's roo m size. For example, children in the first grade were more critical about safety and privacy, while those in the third grade were negative about social interaction. Meanwhile, children's self-esteem was very dependent on the extent to which children's rooms provide convenience, order, and safety. Therefore, the results of this study can be utilized to justify the importance of physical environments to children's self-esteem.