Title A Study on the Factors Affecting Visitors' Satisfaction in Museum
Authors Jeong Jae-Hoon ; Lee Kyung-Hoon
Page pp.111-118
ISSN 12269093
Keywords Museum ; Satisfaction ; Physical Environment ; Emotional Affect ; Fatigue
Abstract The objective of this study is to investigate how physical environment and individual traits affect visitors' satisfaction. Thirty museums mainly located in Seoul and Vicinity were selected for this study, and total of 760 visitors were asked to complete the questionnaire. The data gathered from questionnaire survey and observation analyzed by the regression analysis and path analysis. The results of analysis were as follows; 1) Among physical characteristics of museum, visitors' enjoyment is mainly influenced by the content of exhibition, visitors' learning by both the content of exhibition and thermal comfort, and aesthetic arousal by the content of exhibition. 2) Individual traits were found to have no significant influence to visitors' satisfaction except a gender. 3) Satisfaction is more directly affected by visitors' enjoyment and learning while indirectly affected by visitors' aesthetic arousal and museum fatigue. 4) Among physical environment factors, the content of exhibition and visual and locomotor access were found to directly affect visitors' satisfaction.