Title A Study on the Architectural Design and Management Guidelines of Elderly Facility through Reviewing of Evacuation Behavior
Authors Lee Jeong-Soo ; Kim Eung-Sik
Page pp.145-154
ISSN 12269093
Keywords senior ; evacuation behavior ; computer simulation ; senior center
Abstract The aim of this study is to propose architectural design, management guidelines and reviewing the evacuation behavior patterns in the senior center. To achieve these purposes, the architectural characteristics of 12 senior using facilities have been investigated and evacuation experiments and simulations were carried out for each one of these facilities. The results from this study are as follows : (1) The evacuation pattern in the senior's facilities was analyzed in depth by a spot investigation and computer simulation. (2) New design and management guidelines are proposed which reflect the characteristics of senior's evacuation behavior. (3) We arrange the mistakes of management for zoning, interior usage patterns and egress plan, all of which are positively important for safety (4) The periodical evacuation exercises are effective for helping senior's evacuation behavior and reducing egress time in emergency situation.