Title A Study on the Toi of Traditional Dwellings in Kyong-gi Province
Authors Jung Yun-Sang ; Lee Sang-Hae
Page pp.173-182
ISSN 12269093
Keywords inner quarters(ㄱ-shape) ; outer quarters ; toi(toigan) ; the space under hoichem ; the element of exterior space
Abstract The purpose of this study is to verify the type and role of Toi(addition bays) found in the traditional dwellings, built before the year of 1945 in Kyong-gi province. Through the study, it is maintained that the space of inner quarters (an-chae), outer quarters (bakat-chae) and the elements of exterior space are very important to determine the type and role of the Toi. The Toi of inner quarters is the general type which is composed of horizontal row of Toigan in front of the Daechung(ma-ru) and vertical row of the Toigan in front of the kitchen, opens towards the courtyard(an-ma-dang). The Toi of outer quarters is the general type which is in front of the room (sarang-bang) and main gate(dae-moon). The floor of the Toi is wooden(ma-ru) or earthen(bong- dang). The Toi that connects up the space of inner and outer quarter plays diverse roles: private space, approach space, storage space, community space, connective space, open space and so on.