Title A Study on the Form-generating Algorithm of Fractal Geometry in Shuhei Endo`s Works
Authors Lee Seong-Koo ; Kim Kwang-Bae
Page pp.183-190
ISSN 12269093
Keywords Shuhei Endo ; Fractal geometry ; Form-generating
Abstract Even until recently, the only tool for designers to express their architectural forms has been Euclid geometry. However, new attempts have been made by contemporary designers to interpret the phenomenological complexity of the modern world and environment, and they realized that Euclid geometry is limited in representing full extent of their interpretation, and the need of a nonlinear approach as the presentation method to represent the intricacy is inevitable. The fractal theory, as an expressed form of chaos, now influences arts, music, economics, and other areas, let alone the science and mathematics. And this theory is being applied by some contemporary architects to generate the architectural forms. Fractal geometry is composed of self- similarity, randomness, irregularity, and unpredictability, and the character of its form composition can be described as scaling and skew, overlapping, repetition and gradation, and so on. They are diversely applied to modern architectural works and concepts. Especially, they appear in the Shuhei Endo`s works. The purpose of this study is to understand the form-generating algorithm of the fractal geometry as a rule of nature and to find the value and diverse application methods in Shuhei Endo`s works.