Title JeongChim of Joseon Dynasty and its Conceptual Alteration
Authors Cho Jae-Mo
Page pp.191-198
ISSN 12269093
Keywords JeongChim ; Royal office ; Royal residence ; rituals ; customary life-style ; floor-heating system
Abstract JeongChim is the usual residence and also formal place for some rituals such as wedding ceremony, national council and King's demise. As time goes by, its dignity and function had been kept up persistently but forms, influenced by life-style and constructional conditions, were molded so diversely. At Joseon Dynasty, Pyeonjeon had the meaning of JeongChim as ritual place though King's residential place was ChimJeon. It means that the functions of JeongChim were divided into two parts because the traditional life- style of Joseon using floor-heating system differed from that of the ancient China. In line with the spreading of Ondol and looseness of rituals, some roles of PyeonJeon had transferred to other buildings. 'Returning to the inner place' cound not be set in SunJeongJeon because there wasn't any separated room-type space. Moreover the night-meeting hall had got leading role for unofficial audience instead of PyeonJeon. And the ritual for King's demise had never held at PyeonJeon. These aspects had weakened its reason for being. The bisected JeongChim was getting combined to ChimJeon and ritual- oriented spatial system had started to decline giving way to pr