Title Spatial Statistical Analysis of Public Facilities of Regional Location Unbalance
Authors Choi Hee-Yun ; Cho Young-Tae ; Yang Dong-Yang
Page pp.207-214
ISSN 12269093
Keywords Elementary school location ; Regional playground ; Statistical analysis ; Geographic information systems
Abstract Elementary schools are one of the important public facilities as the basis of student out-door activities as well as residential community activities in a region. Thus, the location of elementary schools must be closely related to student out-door facilities: playgrounds within schools, playgrounds in apartment complexes near schools, and community playgrounds in the region. In view of urban planning, the student out-door facilities must be planned and built as a key residential component by regulations of community site planning. However, the location of elementary schools is not associated with that of student out-door facilities in many cities because elementary schools and student out-door facilities are not planned by same institutions with same target years and objectives.The objectives of this research are (1) to investigate??elementary school students in order to evaluate a change of educational environment, (2) to identify the association between the location of elementary schools and playgrounds for out-door activities of elementary school students in Seoul, and (3) to evaluate the impacts of three types of outdoor facilities elementary school playgrounds, playgrounds .