Title A Study on the Contemporary Representation of Traditional Architecture Design Knowledge through Design Concept
Authors Lee Wan-Geon ; Cha Myung-Yeol ; Kim Won-Gaff ; Park Eon-Kon
Page pp.11-20
ISSN 12269093
Keywords design concept ; design knowledge ; design vocabulary
Abstract The purpose of this study is to find out how the design knowledge of traditional architecture is applied in contemporary architecture as a design concept. Design, so called creative work, is always represented in various forms, according to its outskirts such as human, social and natural environment and also periodical varieties. Also architects have been creating his objects based on design vocabularies which they have accumulated through experiences. In this context contemporary architecture has been using the design elements adopted from the traditional architecture as its design vocabulary. Therefore, this research is to find out??how traditional architectural design methods, as well as knowledge are represented as a design concept in process of architectural design.