Title Difference between Internal Medicine Ward and Surgical Ward in Hospital, for User-Oriented Design
Authors Lee Hee-Bong ; Oh Sang-Heui
Page pp.63-72
ISSN 12269093
Keywords User-Oriented Design ; Internal Medicine and Surgical Ward ; Field Study ; Ethnography
Abstract Although architects design and equip same floor plan of the internal medicine ward and surgical ward of a hospital, through the ethnographic field study, I discovered that patients and nurses use two spaces quite differently by the curing method.??At surgical ward,??operating room has a role of main curing place, and ward has merely a role of recovering room. On the other hand, at the medical ward,??ward itself becomes main curing place.??Nurse station of the medical ward becomes more crowed than that of surgical ward. Patients at medical ward are more sensitive psychologically due to long disease history then have trend to keep territory.??Surgical ward becomes crowded by equipment like wheelchairs and stretchers. And front corridor of surgical ward becomes exercise field for rehabilitation. For design for user, suggestions of different design guideline through the field study, for??distinctively different characteristic of two wards.