Title A Study on the Space Allocation of Rehabilitation Center for the Disabled
Authors Lee Hyo-Won
Page pp.95-102
ISSN 12269093
Keywords The Disabled ; Welfare Facilities ; Rehabilitation Center for Disabled ; Space Allocation(Space Composition)
Abstract This study was intended to verify and analyze the space composition and the space allocation rate per each??section of the existing rehabilitation centers for the disabled, and to present a basic data of space program of newly-planned rehabilitation center for the disabled. The results are as follows: 1)The rehabilitation center for the disabled showed the following differences in the space allocation per section according to a scale. There was almost similar rate in a consultation- management section, a social rehabilitation section, a board & loading section, and other common section. As the most characteristic one, it was identified that the rehabilitation center had to be built up with over a medium size and so the medical rehabilitation program could be operated to some degree for the medical rehabilitation section. The education rehabilitation section showed the space allocation proportional to the scale. The occupation rehabilitation section showed the high rate of space allocation in a large-size rehabilitation center. 2)An actual space allocation per the section of the rehabilitation center for the disabled varied according to the scale