Title A Study on The Yi-Bang(耳枋) in Dapogye(多包係) Style
Authors Park Eon-Kon ; Han Wook ; Kim Jae-Kuck
Page pp.147-154
ISSN 12269093
Keywords Korean Traditional Wooden structure ; Corner Bracket Sets ; Yibang(耳枋)
Abstract This study is on the Korean wooden architecture's Corner Bracket Sets(Gui-kongpo) and one of these elements "Yibang(耳枋)". The Purpose of this study is to understand the relationship between "Yibang(耳枋)" and Korean wooden architecture's structure system. To conduct this research , it is important to analysis its type and structure system in korean wooden architecture "Dapogye". The basic conceptions of "Yibang(耳枋)" are sought,??its character and shape is actual surveyed through 140s object buildings in this study. In result, first of all, Using period of "Yibang(耳枋)" is Chosun dynasty and "Yibang(耳枋)" appears in wooden architecture style "Dapogye". Second, the size of roof isn't related with "Yibang(耳枋)", and it's duty is up to Corner Bracket Sets (Gui-kongpo). Third, the buildings with "Yibang(耳枋)" get more 'numerical value ; a2/b' than buildings without "Yibang(耳枋)".