Title A Study on Expressive Plot in the Space of Korean Traditional Houses
Authors Lee Kum-Jin
Page pp.155-162
ISSN 12269093
Keywords architectural space ; expressive plot ; plot ; movement
Abstract This study intends to understand the dramatic characteristics of architectural spaces analysed in the aspects of the user. Architecture itself is a union of equal and homogeneous static spaces when it's not related to the user, but considered with the user's continuous and undetermined movement, it will finally be completed as ‘real architecture’. To explain this, the relationship between user and architectural spaces should be set. ‘Expressive plot' is that, becomes an expressing formula which can give characteristics on each type of architecture. Conception of plot is brought in an analyzing formula to bring expressive plot into existence. Expressive plot consists of movement-space plot and movement-volume plot, and there are 5 types of expressive plot; simple contiguous expressive plot, intersectional contiguous expressive plot, contemporaneous consolidatory expressive plot, main and subordinate expressive plot, and intricate and intermittent expressive plot. Through above study, expressive plot are applied to Korean traditional houses.