Title A Study on Asymmetry and Irregularity in the Architecture of Hans Scharoun
Authors Hwangbo A. B.
Page pp.163-172
ISSN 12269093
Keywords Hans Scharoun ; Expressionism ; Function ; Asymmetry ; Irregularity ; English Arts and Crafts Movement
Abstract German architect Hans Scharoun (1893-1972) occupies an important place in the history of modern architecture, but it is only a recent phenomenon that his role and contribution began to attract recognition from the wider audience. In comparison to the universalist direction which Gropius and Mies pursued, Scharoun believed that buildings should be specific to place and purpose. Scharoun's belief, however, was often dismissed as Expressionism due to his imagery sketches and fantastic expression. What was overlooked or even failed to recognize in the works of Hans Scharoun was the transformation that had taken place in his architectural vocabulary which many critics simply called Expressionism. A careful analysis of Scharoun's design suggests that his design is sensitively responsive to a given place and functional needs of the building that result in irregular and asymmetrical composition. Moreover, one can also notice that English Arts and Crafts movement influenced many German modernists, and Scharoun was no exception in that context.