Title A study on the Influential Factors on Environmentally-Friendly Apartments by Regional Characteristic
Authors Yu. Soo-Hoon ; Park. Young-Ki
Page pp.169-180
ISSN 12269093
Keywords regional characteristic ; environmentally-friendly ; apartments ; influential factors ; urban ; rural ; resident
Abstract This study is to present the characteristics of environmentally-friendly apartments in urban and rural communities. A survey of current literature and resident show the characteristics of environmentally-friendly apartments differ from rural to urban. To better measure environmentally-friendly qualities as written in literature across the globe, a classification system was constructed. The classification system was made and the influential factors were found based on the precedent papers on environmentally- friendly apartments development and environment assessment method at home and abroad in the literature review. The classification used 9 different sectors: land use, transport, ecology, maintenance, material & resource, water, energy, pollution, indoor environment. Within these 9 sectors 60 discrete factors are applied to the apartments according to literature and professionals review. The priority of environment-friendly factors for the 43 in urban districts and 38 in rural districts used in this study were analyzed. 27 factors among are considered to have a notable importance on environment- friendly housing in all areas regardless of regions.