Title Wind-induced Response Interaction Effects of Tall Buildings Depending on Distance between Buildings
Authors Cho Sang-Kyun ; Kim Dong-Woo ; Ha young-Cheol ; Kim kyu-Suk
Page pp.43-50
ISSN 12269107
Keywords tall building ; wind-induced response ; wind tu??nnel test ; overturning moment coefficient ; power spectral density ; distance between building
Abstract Many residential buildings and residential-and-commercial buildings that are recently under construction in the country mainly consist of building group rather than a single building.??It is a recent trend that even a single building consists of two houses, that are one in the lower part of the building but become two in the upper part of the building, considering commercialism and appearances such as ventilation and lighting. ????In this regard, this thesis aims to model patterns of architecture consisting of two houses that are existing or under construction by investigating the present conditions, and compare wind-reduced response interaction effects in accordance with distance between buildings of two houses and acceleration response through wind tunnel test.??The results of this study will be able to provide basic data for wind-induced response interaction effects of building group, and further, will be used as data for more rational and economical structure design.