Title Development of Construction Schedule Management System for Structural Steel Works Using VRML
Authors Jang Myung-Houn ; Son Bo-Sik ; Lee Hyun-Soo
Page pp.123-130
ISSN 12269107
Keywords Construction Schedule Management ; VRML ; Steel Structural Construction ; 4D CAD
Abstract For efficient construction management, various 4D CAD systems linking 3D CAD and construction schedule are developed. And some researches show the construction progress using the virtual reality technology. This paper developed the VR-SMS(Virtual reality for Steel Construction Management System) which enables a project manager to control schedule and cost of his project in web-based virtual reality space. The system has the advantages of the availability of 2D drawings by converting 2D model to 3D model and lower cost to build the virtual reality model than other VRML models and 4D CAD models. A structural steel work is applied to verify the capability and usefulness of the system.