Title A Study on The Backgrounds of Building The Byeol-Soe in Go-Ryeo Dynasty
Authors Lee. Chang-Eab ; Kang. Yaung-Hwan
Page pp.163-172
ISSN 12269093
Keywords Go-Ryeo ; Byeol-Seo ; Backgrounds of Building ; Ancient Literature
Abstract Even though great development have been achieved in the researches on the??history of korean architecture since 1970's, only a few researchers have focused on the period of Go-Ryeo dynasty. The architecture of Go-Ryeo dynasty has very significant meaning in history of korean rchitecture, just because it connects from the ancient kingdom to Jo-Seon dynasty. ??This paper deals with the villa which had been described frequently in old literatures of Go-Ryeo period. The villa is a type of architecture which is believed to be developed during Go-Ryeo period. Through the investigation of the old texts, we analyze why they came to build their villa. With the results, this paper discusses there are some typological reasons; ??1) living place after retire 2) entertainment place for leisure 3) management of manors 4) live in seclusion 5) relationship with Buddhism.