Title An Analysis of Economic and Environmental Effects as a solar energy system is applied to a large Exhibition Building
Authors Hong. Won-Wha ; Jang. Min-Ho ; Jeon. Gyu-Yob
Page pp.273-280
ISSN 12269093
Keywords A photovoltaic system ; EXCO ; Design Types ; Economic Efficiency ; Environmental Evaluation
Abstract Today, due to the global environmental problems and energy depletion the need for alternative energy and its saving has increases. Therefore, buildings built nowadays have a facility of something new or innovative and they play a major role as both education and advertisement. After Taegu city has been selected for Solar City. Alternative energy use becomes the duty for public buildings and by trying to follow this trend. Taegu city has a plan to build a photovoltaic system in large buildings. For instance, a photovoltaic system is going to be built at EXCO, exhibition and convention building. But before doing this project, a pattern of energy consumption is required. ?? The hourly data for the electric energy consumption are gathered by field survey of an EXCO building. Three sides on a EXCO building are assumed for good places of a photovoltaic system and the best one is selected in respect of economic and environmental results with comparing actual amount of electric energy consumption. The first invest cost calls for about 15 years to be recovered. In an environmental evaluation, the amount of deduction of carbon dioxide is also obtained with a certain chemistry equation.