Title Experimental Study of Reinforcement Bar Connection using Steel Pipe Sleeve
Authors Lee Yong-Jae ; Yi Waon-Ho
Page pp.29-36
ISSN 12269107
Keywords Steel pipe sleeve ; High strength mortar ; Bar connection
Abstract In the mechanical bar connection method using steel pipe sleeve, the tensile force applied to reinforcement bars is transferred to the sleeve through the high strength mortar. Therefore, several variables, such as the performance of steel pipe sleeve, the behavior of high strength mortar, and the compressive strength of the mortar, may affect the performance of bar connections. Because of the confinement of the high strength mortar by the sleeve, unfortunately it is difficult to predict the behavior of the high??strength mortar and to evaluate the bond strength between the mortar and steel bars and the bond strength between the mortar and the sleeve. Therefore, research objective is to evaluate the behavior of bar connections governed by the bond strength and thus to propose design method for the reinforcement bar connection system.