Title Local & Overall Buckling of H-shaped Steel Column under Compression at Elevated Temperature
Authors Baik Tai-Soon ; Kang Moon-Myung
Page pp.63-70
ISSN 12269107
Keywords Local Buckling Stress ; Overall Buckling Stress ; Critical Temperature ; Elevated Temperature ; Fire Analysis
Abstract This study developed the computer program using the design equations in Eurocode3 Part 1.2 to analysis the overall buckling stress for H-shaped steel column under uniformly compression at elevated temperatures. The local and overall buckling stresses and critical temperatures for H-shaped steel column under uniformly compression at elevated temperatures have been calculated by a computer programs of this study and reference [11]. It is very important that the computer fire analysis of this study can predict the critical temperatures for the local and overall buckling of H-shaped steel column under uniformly compression at elevated temperatures. Analysis examples are given to show the applicability of the computer program developed in this study.