Title A Study on the Characteristics of Choosing the Egress Route in a Large-scale Mazy Space
Authors Park Jae-Sung ; Yoon Myong-O
Page pp.71-78
ISSN 12269107
Keywords Egress Behavior ; Building Fire ; Egress Routes ; Egress Exits
Abstract Forecasting an egress behavior in building fire is so important in oder to construct a safe and reliable environment. The existing studies have used a testee in small-scale model space to predict an Egress behavior, or conducted an indirect experiment by means of image equipment. The experimental study by indirect experiences is so fragmentary that it has demerits of the restricted range of results. In order to supplements a limit of the existing study and raise reliability of the experiment results in this study, I enforced egress behavior experiment in massive sales facilities and analyze egress behavior of an evacuee according to the spatial and visual situation and analyze choice characteristics according to direction and distance of egress exits.