Title Explosive Spalling Dependent on Compressive Strength and Moisture Content of High Strength Concrete including Silica Fume
Authors Song Hun ; Hyung Won-Gil ; Do Jeong-Yun ; Soh Yang-Seob
Page pp.111-117
ISSN 12269107
Keywords fire ; heat flux ; spalling ; fire resistance ; moisture content ; high strength concrete
Abstract silica fume is positively employed as mineral admixture in manufacturing ultra high strength due to the formation of tight matrix inducing the advancement of physi-chemical properties such as the freeze-thaw resistance, corrosion resistance and chemical resistance etc. as well as improvement in strength and durability. In spite of the effectiveness of silica fume, the explosive spalling in concrete front surface near the source of fire incurs when exposed to very high temperature in relative short term. This study is concerned with experimentally revealing fire resistance of high strength concrete adding silica fume. The correlation of the explosive spalling in charge of fire resistance and either compressive strength or moisture content is investigated in a quantitative manner. Main cause of explosive spalling is evaluated due to both pore pressure and thermal stress. In addition of that, local concentration of stress by rapid heating was acted as another factor.