Title A Study on the Properties of Strength Development and Durability of Recycled Aggregate Concrete
Authors Jaung Jae-Dong
Page pp.119-126
ISSN 12269107
Keywords 재생골재 ; 콘크리트 ; 내산성 ; 중성화 ; 건조중량감소율
Abstract This study discusses on the properties of strength development and durability of recycled aggregate concrete which was classified low quality recycled aggregate with the type 2 and type 3 of KS F 2573.??In the experiment, recycled coarse aggregate was substituted for the crushed coarse aggregate at the rate of 0, 50, 100%. And, each concrete specimen was made for 40, 50, 60% of w/c ratio. As the result, the concrete strength development which was made of recycled aggregate is suitable for KS F 2573, but its durability is lower than that of crushed aggregate concrete.??On the ground of the experiments in durability of??dry weight reduction contents, acid resistance, neutralization, there is remarkable difference by substitution ratio and type of recycled aggregate. Therefore, it needs proper verification and consideration to use the recycled aggregate for concrete.