Title A Study on the Anthroposophic Characteristics shown in Rudolf Steiner's early Architectures
Authors Park Yun-Jun ; Chung Jin-Won
Page pp.183-194
ISSN 12269093
Keywords Anthroposophy ; Rudolf Steiner's early Architectures
Abstract Rudolf Steiner promoted anthroposophy base on the critique of modern times. This paper is a study on the anthroposophic characteristics in his early architectures. Those are The Munich Congress Hall,(1907), The Malsch Model Building, 1908-1909), Stuttgart House,(1911), and The Munich Project-Johannes Building.(1911-1912). The anthrososophic architectural theory is defined here as application of cosmology, metamorphology and geometry. Through these interpretation of the theory, and the study on the four architectures, this study hope to contribute to the understanding of anthroposophic characteristics in the architectures