Title A Study on the Sound Classification System for Floor Impact Sound Insulation Performance of Apartment Houses
Authors Song Min-Jeong ; Gi No-Gab ; Jang Gil-Soo ; Kim Sun-Woo
Page pp.295-302
ISSN 12269093
Keywords Sound Classification System ; Standard Impact Source ; Minimum Class ; Interval Between Classes ; Arithmetic Mean
Abstract Sound classification system for floor impact sound insulation performance is needed to secure comfortable acoustical quality in apartment houses. To achieve this goal, psycho acoustic experiments were carried out with the sound sources of standard light and heavy impact source in laboratory. As a result of this study, followings are suggested : 49dB for light impact sound source and 46dB for heavy impact sound source are recommending minimum level for inhabitants. And level differences between classes are 5dB. But the situation of sound insulation performance against floor impact sound can't meet this recommending level. Due to these kinds of matters, foreign countries set the minimum class 58dB for light impact source(Europe) and 55dB for heavy impact source(Japan). So, sound classification system which its minimum class are 58dB(light), 55dB(heavy) and its interval is 5dB is suggested. And arithmetic mean value of testing frequencies has a good relation coefficient between subjective response and rating value both in light and heavy impact sound source