Title A Study on the Social Distinction of APT Advertisement in Newspaper
Authors Hong Yun-Young ; Kang Mi-Seon ; Lee Yoon-Hie
Page pp.3-10
ISSN 12269093
Keywords Apartment ; Advertisement ; Newspaper ; The Price Decontrol of Apartment ; Distinction-Item ; Economy Class ; Gender
Abstract Newspaper Advertisement not only reflects social culture in our society, but also affects in Social- Cultural Values. In addition, Newspaper Advertisement is the main mean, connecting between the public as consumer and the building industry as the producer of Apartment(APT) Market. Therefore, this paper studies residential culture in APT and also, aims to analyze the newspaper advertisement to find the relationship in residential market. Due to changes occurring in APT advertisement after 1998, the price decontrol of Apt has enforced, divided and analyzed since the APT advertisement since the beginning of early 1970’s and right after 1998. As APT advertisement among the companies were inflamed due to the enforced level among many various types of APT. Even though the phenomena in APT market influences on the development and changes in traditional APT spatial planning, on the other hand, it results in falsification of our residential culture. Newspaper advertisement presents a new possible direction and proposes corrective social-cultural role by analysis of spatial & class distinction in APT.