Title A Study on the analysis of structure and Usage Pattern of Architectural Web DB
Authors Kim Jin-Wook ; Kang Boo-Seong
Page pp.139-146
ISSN 12269093
Keywords Database ; construction ; Architecture Information ; Programming ; Web DB
Abstract This study looks at the late web based data base service which are operated by many organization??and usage patterns of internet users who are from architectural field. We collect several cases of web based data base service and analyse the structure of the data base and data Itself. Web based data base service could be divided 4 types by the structures; separate web db, linkage web db, link with individual CP, complex with CP and wed DB. Also Web based data base service could be divided 4 types by the operating organization; public organization, architecture-related company and a specialized architectural data providing service. Next looking at??the web DB use patterns of the architecture-related internet users, especially in search for relative architectural??information. An on-line questionnaire was posted in a web site. Over 300 peoples answered to questions and the responses were collected using ASP technique and statistically analyzed by SPSS