Title Conceptual Review on Minimalism in Architecture for Discourses
Authors Lee Joong-Yong ; Jung Sung-Won
Page pp.147-154
ISSN 12269093
Keywords Minimalism ; Formal Aesthetics ; Self-Definition
Abstract Due to multidisciplinary characteristic of the architectural field, it has developed into complex interdisciplinary field. Therefore architecture field has grown and established its major trends dependent upon other related field of study. With this perspective in mind, esthetics on architecture has to be treated in similar manner.
In contemporary architecture, some architecture and architects have defined the terminology “Minimalism” or “Minimalist” without any theoretical principle where by unable to distinguish between “simple” and “minimal”, Presently, the term “minimal” became a trend word. In order to confront misconception of the idea of minimalism, some people defend the lack of definition as reflection of this complex society. However others feel that it is still necessary to suggest tangible criteria on the topic of minimalism.
In this paper, it will establish a solid groundwork for a discussion on minimalism in architecture. The initial approach will deal with esthetics, which is the center of argument. By reviewing theoretical background of the related modern art, the paper discusses about the relationship between minimalism and esthetics. Subsequently, the discussion about the criterions necessary to define minimalism is provided. This paper only suggests a methodology of analyzing a trend in architecture. The condition to define minimalism in architecture, which is a result of the reviewing process on esthetics, can be concluded as “self-definition” and “transfering to the original experience type” of the architecture.