Title A Study on the Projects of Palazzo Raffaello and its Influence on the Palazzo Sangallo
Authors Cho Sung-Yong
Page pp.155-166
ISSN 12269093
Keywords Palazzo Raffaello ; Palazzo Sangallo ; Renaissance ; Housing Typology
Abstract This paper presents a comparative study on the two houses projected by two important roman architects of??renaissance period, namely, 'Palazzo Raffaello’ and ‘Palazzo Sangallo. The study intends to examine characteristics of‘Palazzo Raffaello’ project, to discover the impact of affaello's projects on Sangallo's architectural theory, and finally to contemplate how actually 'Palazzo Sangallo’ project reflects Raffaello's influence. 'Palazzo Sangallo’ is a singular piece of work by Sangallo, with a unique style differing from his previous approaches. The radical change in Sangallo's architectual theory in his later period represents an emblematic significance not only in his works, but also in cultural evolution of his time. In summary, the study on Raffaello's project of this paper contributes to the fundamental understanding of the Sangallo's architecural theory evolution.