Title A Historical Study on the Birth and Development Phase of L-shaped Church Architecture in Korea
Authors Chung Chang-Won
Page pp.175-182
ISSN 12269093
Keywords Christianity ; L-shaped plan church ; Korean Mission Architecture
Abstract The purpose of this study is to clarify the historical development of the [L-shaped plan] Church which is a characteristic of the Korean Mission Architecture. Build in 1900 in a rectangular plan, the Pyeng Yang Central Church developed into a church with a L-shaped plan in 1901. The church had to be enlarged to integrity the rapidly increased christian population. Also, the L-shaped plan was convenient to naturally dissociate men and women which was necessary since the influence of Confucianism was still very strong. As a result, [L-shaped plan] church spread all over the country, and had a big influence over the development process of the Korean Mission Architecture.