Title A Study on the fire fighting activity's improvement at the conflagration of underground space through research of fire fighting activity at the Daegu Subway Fire
Authors Hong Won-Hwa ; Kim Dong-Sik ; Jeon Gyu-Yob
Page pp.293-302
ISSN 12269093
Keywords Daegu subway fire ; fire fighting activity ; rescue ; extinguishing of the fire ; first aid
Abstract underground spaces are actively being developed. Especially, the trend of this development is horizontally to connect other buildings by underground stories, that is, to make underground passages among buildings and it seems to be a great network space. Many unknown users are not aware of these passages and are anticipated to be exposed to a great of danger when there is a fire. ??It happened that the fire at Joong-Ang Ro station of Daegu. It might be ended as fire happening but proceeded to the disaster giving a number of damage because of the incomplete system of disaster prevention we had taken the lack of understanding and specialization about. Now we will need the new fire fighting activity system in the large disaster. This study is to analyze activity of fire fighting and system for fire fighting resulted from fire of subway in Daegu City. And This data will use in base of fire fighting activity in the large disaster