Title Aerodynamic Methods for Mitigating the Wind-Induced Forces on the Tall Buildings
Authors Kim Dong-Woo ; Ha Young-Cheol
Page pp.3-10
ISSN 12269107
Keywords Aerodynamic ; Wind-Induced Forces ; Tall Buildings ; Coner Modifications
Abstract The aerodynamic characteristics of bluff bodies, such as tall building, largely depend on the behavior of the shear layers that separate from the leading edge. Thus, wind induced vibration can be reduced by controlling the separated flow. This is due to separated shear layers approaching the surfaces of the cylinders. In this study, we investigate wind-induced along-wind, across- wind and torsional-wind responses with the coner modification of tall buildings by wind tunnel test(wind force test). Through the results of the examination, it indicates what kind of coner shape effects can be obtained with respect to the wind force coefficient,??power spectrum density of fluctuant wind force, response displacement and response acceleration, by changing a part of the coner shapes of the building.