Title A Resource Model for Multi-project Management
Authors Han Ju-Yeon ; Hong Young-Su ; Kim Kyung-Rai ; Shin Dong-Woo
Page pp.133-142
ISSN 12269107
Keywords Medium-sized construction company ; Multi-project management ; Resource management ; Reusable resource planning model
Abstract This paper presents resource-planning supporting-model for multi-project management in medium- sized construction companies which need to develop suitable and effective information system. Therefore it is intended to raise the standard of information system in overall construction industry. We analyzed the works that related reusable resource delivery in medium-sized construction companies, then reorganized the process to underpin the problems. The process that reorganized is classified into resource delivery planning, executing planning and accomplishment reporting which is same classification as old one but we broke down resource planning process into the works that support decision making in each phases. Furthermore, the system support resource-planning, cars- allocation-planning with consideration of several factors and establish resource pool that furnish actual results data as estimation data. As a result, we can select the resource planning which maximize reusability