Title A Study on Countermeasures for the Strategic Risk Management of Remodeling in Construction Projects
Authors Hong Seong-Wook ; Ahn Yong-Sun
Page pp.153-160
ISSN 12269107
Keywords Remodeling ; Risk Management ; Running Cost ; Likert Type Scale ; Risk importance
Abstract This while, lots of buildings were constructed to solve the shortage of housing stocks. however, most of the aged buildings have been getting deteriorated seriously for insufficient and inadequate maintenance of buildings. Remodeling has been known as a countermeasure to improve indiscriminate construction behavior in the aspect of environment and economy. This research is aiming to specify the requirement of the investment such as initial cost, running cost, earning rate to make effective investment considering the purpose of remodeling and economical vale of store building enough to meet the initial purpose of remodeling. For the investigation on cognitive standard of risk in the workers of construction remodeling, surveys and visit consultations were executed to analyze risk management situation and the counter plan was found out to be helpful in proceeding of stable construction projects of companies. And we draw 5 conclusions on the improvement plans of risk management in remodeling.