Title An Analysis of Preference Evaluation for Cafe Interior Design based on Human Sensibility Ergonomics
Authors Seo Hyung-Soo ; Kim Hyo-Nam
Page pp.107-114
ISSN 12269093
Keywords Interior Design ; Cafe ; Human Sensibility ; Ergonomics ; Semantic Differential Method
Abstract Human Sensibility Ergonomics which is recently signified in various fields is an attempt to quantitatively analyze factors of human sensibility and apply it to design operation. This study attempted to infuse human sensibility ergonomics into architectural interior design and offered methodological approach for analyzing cafe interior design which requires various sensory elements. The result of this study showed that preferred cafe design factors are “softness", “artificiality” and “enjoyment," and it also suggested a design guideline by sorting common features of each factor. Constructing a successful interior design can be achieved without great difficulty by applying this design guideline.