Title A Study on the Attitude of Practicing Professionals to the Information for Super Tall Residential Building Projects
Authors Park Young-Ki ; Kang In-Ho ; Kim Hye-Jung
Page pp.115-122
ISSN 12269093
Keywords High-rise residential building ; Design Information ; the priority order of developing information
Abstract The purpose of using the method of Post-Occupancy Evaluation (POE) is to devise advanced design by applying evaluated feedback into new design. Therefore, information that is produced through POE should be serve designer's purpose. As the base study for developing POE model, this study is focusing on analyzing characteristics and types of designer needing information. To reveal characteristics and types of designer needing information, a survey of design information is conducted on designers, constructors, planers who had experience of high-rise residence building project. Survey information items are selected with referring existing records on design information items that is considered on process of design. After categorizing those items, importance of information, difficulty of acquisition, extent of acquisition of information is surveyed. Through statistic analysis of the result of this survey, the priority on providing information is estimated.