Title A Study on the Meaning of Orientalism in Western Art ‘toward Modern’
Authors Oh Zhang-Huan
Page pp.149-158
ISSN 12269093
Keywords Orientalism ; Japonism ; A priori form ; Abstraction ; Modernity
Abstract In the late 19th, the influence of Orientalism in the West was evaluated as a great meaning related to Modernity. Accordingly, this study invested how great interest on the Oriental arts had been taken by the avant-garde ‘toward Modern’, including Art Nouveau artists, and what means their artistic imitative reproduction on that. Moreover, in case of architects, especially F. L. Wright who had close ties with Japanese culture, this try to reveal what's the role and meaning of Japanism will be significant. As a result, Oriental arts, especially Japanese arts helped the Western artists become self- conscious about their conventional style, and made them begin to an experiment, that is, the artistic Orientalism including Japanese prints was one of instances which gave a lesson in elimination of the insignificant, especially valuable to the West who pursued an expression of new art departed from the western classical tradition. Orientalism influenced ultimately to the formation of modernity toward ‘Abstraction.’