Title A Study on the Development of IRMA Green Roof Systems in Korea
Authors Kim Hyeon Soo ; Lee Keon-Ho
Page pp.219-226
ISSN 12269093
Keywords Prototype ; roof construction ; Green Roof System ; Insulated Roof Membrane Assembly
Abstract Since 1995, the green roof system was spreaded widely in Korea. At the beginning of 2000 the basical researching on green roof system could be carried out. The researching on the thermal conductivity, the runoff-reduction or the treated rainwater-quality of green roof system and so on belong to the part. But the application was limited in the existing buildings. In 2003, for the first time, the green roof system could be realized with difficulty in a new appartment at the begging of the planning process. In the future, the green roof system would occupy a fixed position on the new building. For the reason of this, a ptototype for greening the roof is necessary, which is suitable on the korean spot as well as on the korean climate. So the purpose of this study is to find out a methode, improving the prototype of the korean green roof system. Especially it is important to find a prototype of a improved IRMA, well known as Insulated Roof Membrane Assembly, with a few elements. Because of the simple construction, the reduction of working-terms and the economical benefits, guaranteed, the IRMA could take a place slowly in the spot