Title Inelastic Behavior of Exterior Wide Beam-Column Connections with U-Shaped Precast Shell beam Stressed by Post-tensioning
Authors Choi Yun-Cheul ; Lim Jae-Hyung ; Kwon Ki-Hyuk ; Moon Jeong-Ho ; Lee Li-Hyung ; Kim Dae-Joong
Page pp.27-36
ISSN 12269107
Keywords post-tensioned ; precast ; wide beam ; beam-column connection
Abstract Post-tensioned precast concrete system(PPS) consists of U-shaped precast wide beams and concrete column. The continuity of beam-column joint is provided with the topping concrete on the PC shell beam and post-tensioning. The purpose of this paper is to evaluate the response of PPS exterior beam-column joint subjected to cyclic lateral loading. To this end, an experimental investigation was performed with three half-scale exterior connection subassemblages. The design parameters were the beam width ratio to column width and the amount of beam reinforcement placed inside the column core. The test results showed that specimen cracks were distributed well and plastic hinges spread toward midspan without any significant degradation of strength and ductility. And the specimens sufficiently resist up to limiting drift ratio of 0.035 in accordance with the provisional by “Acceptance Criteria for Moment Frames Based on Structural Testing"