Title |
The Aeroelastic Experiment Vibration Response of Tall Building to Wind Loads Using TMD |
Keywords |
Alongwind ; Acrosswind ; Aeroelastic building model |
Abstract |
The aeroelastic experiment of along and acrosswind vibration was carried out on squire model in a suburban boundary layer. The model tuned mass damper consisted of a small aluminium block cantilevered downward on a piano wire. The TMD mass ratios are respectively 1.0%, 2.0%. The dampers were approximately tuned to the natural frequency of the building model. The type of building section model having sectional area of 0.004㎡ and the height of 0.4m with side ratio denoted as D/B, of 2.0,??was selected for aeroelastic experimental study. The top maximum displacement RMS value appears at TMD2 and generalized mass ratio of 2%. |