Title An Experimental Study of Material Characteristics of Brick Masonry
Authors Yi Waon-Ho ; Lee Jung-Han ; Kang Dae-Eon ; Yang Won-Jik
Page pp.45-52
ISSN 12269107
Keywords Compressive Strength of Mortar ; Compressive Strength of Prism ; Diagonal Shear Strength of Masonry Wall
Abstract More than 80 percent of residential buildings are constructed with URM buildings in Seoul. In general, an URM building does not have enough strength against the lateral force. Moreover, low rise buildings have not adopted seismic design, and for that reason a critical damage is expected with an earthquake. The objectives of this study are to find out the material characteristics such as the compressive strength of brick, mortar and brick prism and the diagonal shear strength of masonry assemblages and to propose the equation of the compressive strength of mortar and prism and the elastic modulus of prism. From the test results, the compressive strength of the concrete brick is 157~284kgf/cm2 and it is satisfied with the allowable compressive strength of concrete brick in KBC(Korean Building Code). The compressive strength of mortarusing the mixing ratio of 1:5 is lower than the limitation of KS. The equations of compressive strength of masonry prism and shear strength of masonry wall considering the compressive strength of concrete brick and mortar are proposed. And the correlation ratio between elastic modulus and shear modulus of masonry is 0.2.