Title Flexural Behavior of Concrete Beam Members with Longitudinal FRP Rod Reinforcement
Authors Lee Sang-Ho ; Ahn Sang-Ho
Page pp.67-74
ISSN 12269107
Keywords Concrete Beam ; Corrosion of Steel ; Flexural Behavior ; FRP Rod
Abstract The purpose of this study is to evaluate the flexural behavior of concrete beam members with longitudinal Fiber Reinforced Plastic(FRP) rods. A cold and saltish environments deteriorate steel reinforcement of reinforced concrete structures. To avoid such deterioration, the FRP rods are used in place of steel reinforcements. In this study, 8 concrete beam specimens longitudinally reinforced with FRP rod and steel bar are tested. The parameters of the specimen are the sectional area of reinforcement, the tensile force of reinforcement, and the type of longitudinal reinforcements. Experimental results are investigated in aspect of failure patterns and load-displacement, moment-curvature, load-longitudinal bar strain, and load- crack width. And the moment-curvature relationships are compared with the analytical results. The experimental and analytical results show that the concrete beam reinforced with FRP rods have the larger crack space, crack width and the higher maximum load than the concrete beam reinforced with steels because of the low modulus of elasticity and the high tensile strength of FRP rod.