Title An Experimental Study on the Engineering Properties of Deteriorated Concrete by Fire Damage
Authors Kwon Young-Jin ; Kim Moo-Han ; Kim Yong-Ro ; Jang Jea-Bong
Page pp.107-114
ISSN 12269107
Keywords Fire damage ; Concrete ; Engineering properties ; Explosive spalling ; Ultrasonic pulse velocity
Abstract A fire outbreak in a reinforcement concrete structure looses the organism by the different contraction and expansion of hardened cement pastes and aggregate, and causes cracks by thermal stress, leading to the deterioration of the durability. So concrete reinforcement structure is damaged partial or whole structure system. Therefore accurate diagnosis of deterioration is needed based on mechanism of fire deterioration in general concrete structures. Fundamental information and data on the properties of concrete exposed to high temperature are necessary for accurate diagnosis of deterioration. In this study, normal and high strength concrete were exposed to a high temperature environment. And than fundamental data for the character change of concrete heated highly were presented by measuring characters of explosive spalling, ultrasonic pulse velocity and compressive strength before and after heating. It is intended to present data for the exact diagnosis and selection of repair and reinforcement system of the deteriorated concrete heated highly.