Title The Development of Check-list for the Quality Assurance of Exposed Concrete
Authors Lim Nam-Gi
Page pp.115-122
ISSN 12269107
Keywords Exposed Conrete ; Problems of Exposed Conrete ; Complex Factor ; Quality Assurance ; check-list
Abstract Fundamentally, its difficult to pick out a exposed concrete due to the economical limitation such as increase of a construction expense for a requirement of accurate mold construction. Therefore, the lack of awareness about this is causing many problems because of a material shortage, a proportion source imperfection and an inferiority of work. Consequently, studying the problems of exposed concrete and its induced reason based on the construction material and the maintenance control, we have come to conclusion as follow. 1. Exposed concrete have many problems,??It is analyzed that a very complex factor causes these kinds of problems. 2. The main factor, which bring about the construction problem were the badness of mold ssembly, placing of concrete plan, the excessive hardening the ground and high W/C of concrete. 3. We have looked into the problem and the induced reason collectively. Moreover, a consideration of the maintenance control and an assurance of an appropriate quality should be considered. So, we developed the procedure, classified into 3 steps for a quality assurance. Then, based on these steps, each process check-list was made.