Title An Experimental Study on the Durability of Recycled Aggregate Concrete Using Fly-ash
Authors Kim Byung-Yun ; Seo Chi-Ho
Page pp.123-130
ISSN 12269107
Keywords Fly-Ash ; Recycled Aggregate Concrete ; Durability
Abstract In order to make practical uses of recycled aggregate concrete limited to a non-structural material increase, it is necessary to find ways of its use as a structural one. The purpose of this study was to make a high quality recycled aggregate concrete using fly-ash so that we may enlarge the practical use and improve the durability of it. In the experiment, through the evaluation of mechanical properties and analysis of the factor that affects the durability of recycled aggregate concrete such as neutral resistance, drying shrinkage and freeze and thaw durability, the way of the improvement of a durability was studied, so that we intended??to acquire the quality and the reliability of recycled aggregate concrete.